Thursday, May 26, 2011

Important skill for an exploratory tester

One of the ways to learn something new or make improvement being a tester is to be challenged by someone more experienced. I've first time experienced such a "way of learning" during coaching session with James Bach. This time the challenge came from Michael Bolton.
"Micheal: One KEY skill for an exploratory tester is to find out what the requirements REALLY are. What ARE the ways of finding out? In general, what are the sources of information on a project?"

I started with the question. What do you mean by requirement?

"Micheal: A requirement is /what someone important wants/ as a part of the completed product.
Notice that /what someone wants/ is not necessarily written down. A requirement is not a piece of paper, or something written on one. The paper and the writing are /representations/, literally re-presentations, of /ideas/."

The above idea has really opened my eyes. How often we rely on written documents only treating them as the one and only one oracle. It's hard even for technical people to articulate what they really want. Now imagine that you need to describe a thing that you haven't seen before. It's hard to put everything on paper and easy to miss something that may become important on the end. It's good to keep in my mind that what we read in formal document is the re-presentation of client idea only. And now question, how often have you aimed with your tests to cover the specification only (assuming that your test mission is for something more than specification coverage) ?

I started answering to challenge with following ideas: people, stakeholders, previous bugs, written specification, developers know-how, service desk and their database of incidents, regulations (eg. FDA), previous versions/products, meetings with clients/stakeholders

Michael cataloged my ideas into:

/References/-> things that we can point to. The reference allows you to say, "It says here..." or "It looks like this..." (previous bug reports, specifications, regulations, previous version of the products)

/Conference/ -> Information obtained by /conference/ - interaction with other people. (people, stakeholders, programmers' know-how, meetings with clients)

/Experience/ -> The program provides with information via /experience/, the actual empirical interaction with the product.

/Inference/->. When you reason about information that you have, extend ideas, weigh competing ideas and figure out what they mean or what they might suggest, that's information from /inference/.

Micheal summed up the challenge with following:

"Michael: When we think about exploring, we think about identifying and developing the information we have. That's a key part of the *learning* mission of exploratory testing."

The coaching session was great. This session was exacting and bring a fun at the same time. Thanks to this session I realized that I need to improve identifying and developing information that I already have. Going beyond what is written in formal document should give me broader perspective and help in creating better tests in the future.


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