Thursday, December 8, 2011

First PTAQ meeting and my first public presentation

Last Tuesday I gave a short presentation during first PTAQ meeting. PTAQ (Poznań Testing and Quality) is our local community group for people interested in software testing where we try to present new ideas and share knowledge. First meeting was organized by colleagues from Cognifide. There were more than 40 people, 3 presenters and great venue. We had also hot discussion (about the role of the tester in the future ) which is really promising for future meetings :)

The presentations:
"Knowledge acquisition and sharing for qa team" - Zbigniew Moćkun, Łukasz Morawski (Cognifide)
"Koniec fazy testów. Przyszłość testerów" (Death to testing phase. The Future of testers - my own translation) - Marcin Mierzejewski (Allegro group)
"Jak stawać się lepszym testerem ?" (Becoming a better software tester) - Aleksander Lipski

Thanks for the organizers from Cognifide (Zbyszek and Łukasz) and all attendees. CU on the next PTAQ meeting
